Impact of Russian Disinformation

Panel discussion at the Austrian Embassy in Kyiv:

How can we build more resilience against Russian disinformation?

For the past 9 years, the Kremlin’s propaganda campaign has aimed to demonize Ukraine, with the intention of undermining public solidarity in European societies. What are the main narratives of this campaign, and how can we collaboratively react to counter it?

„Impact of Russian Disinformation“ weiterlesen

Panel-Discussion: Disinformation – The Challenge For The Future Of Europe

Es war eine spannende Diskussion im Europe House Prishtina. Gestern haben Dietmar Pichler und ich gemeinsam mit Lindita Tahiri, Lulzim Peci und Edmond Hajrizi über den Einfluss von Desinformation auf unsere Sicherheit in Europa und wie man ihr entgegen treten kann gesprochen. Danke an Elion Kollçaku für die tolle Moderation sowie UBT – Higher Education Institution und Europe House Kosovo für die Kooperation.

Panel-Discussion: Disinformation – The Challenge For The Future Of Europe

We discuss disinformation and how to counter it as well as the impact of disinformation on lasting peace in Europe and EU enlargement.

*** Panalists ****
Kati Schneeberger | President of VIENNA goes EUROPE, Teacher for Citizenship Education
* Dietmar Pichler | Vice-President of VIENNA goes EUROPE, Expert for Disinformation and Media Literacy
* Edmond Hajrizi | Founder and President UBT – University for Business and Technology
* Lindita Tahiri | Professor of University of Prishtina
* Lulzim Peci | Executive Director of Kosovar Institute for Policy Research and Development (KIPRED), Former Ambassador of Kosovo to Sweden

*** Opening ****
Annacarin Platon | EU Office in Kosovo

*** Moderation ****
Elion Kollçaku

Tuesday, February 7th | 17:00 – 18:30
Europe House Prishtina
Str. UÇK nr.90, 10000 UCK, Prishtina